Friday, April 24, 2009

checking in

Where are you with your group projects... what have you done?

Post here...

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Periodic Assessment

During class today, Tuesday, I will be doing a survey of your classwork where each group is in the newspaper project. Your project is due on May 8th.

This survey will be written up in teacherease as your 3 week periodic assessment.

Thank you to all students who sent me work for my review over break. I will get the work back to you ASAP.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Welcome back

I encourage all students to continue working dilligently through the rest of the school year. I know as the weather gets nicer, each of you will have the inherent want to pay less attention to school and more attention to the world around you...

I strongly recommend that in these times, you focus more clearly and directly at the task at hand and finish the school year strongly. We are officially in the home stretch.

Keep up your hard work.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Group newspaper project description

Group Newspaper projects

In class tomorrow, please be prepared to work in your groups for your projects.

Bring your materials to class and be prepared to work.

prepare interview questions and ideas for your articles.

Sports articles are due tomorrow

Please make sure you turn in your sports articles tomorrow with all earlier drafts attached.

Make sure all notes are attached.

Please make sure to send me an electronic copy via email as well (in word) so that it can used for the school paper.
