Thursday, November 20, 2008

Due tomorrow in Ms. Sackstein's class

Just a reminder that the News packet as well as Assignment #1 of the feature packets are due on Friday - (Tomorrow in class)

Please post what you have learned about feature writing so far when you get a chance...

Feature is more creative than news, but no less objective. It still needs to be journalistically written with a lead, but may be about a generel topic more closely explored.

In class we talked about 7 kinds of feature stories:
  1. News feature
  2. Interpretive feature
  3. Straight feature
  4. Personality feature
  5. Interview feature
  6. Human Interest
  7. Brite

You should have notes about each of these kinds of features in your sourcebook.


donna said...

i learned that it has a creative edge, and their are seven different types of feature article. they also are more in depth than regular news articles with more emotion, and are mostly about human interest. they can sometimes be humerous or serious.

meagan betances said...

meagan betances 902

in total there are 7 kinds of featured articles. and they all have different writing styles. which gives you a selection to choose from.

meagan betances 902