Friday, May 29, 2009

Make up work

All make up work is due June 12th

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Multi-media projects

Finished individual podcasts are due on Friday, May 29th at the end of Mr. Lai's class
Make sure to send or give me both written drafts - the original article and the rewrite. the podcast should be 1-3 minutes

Finished broadcasts (2 stories selected from your newspaper) are due on June 12th at the end of Mr. Lai's class. Both stories should be 3-5 minutes long.

Continue working on eportfolio.

Saturday, May 23, 2009


Has anyone tried to start uploading stuff onto eportfolio?

Please comment here... any problems? difficulties? easy? useful? I'd like your feedback.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Articles for the paper

If I asked you for an electronic copy of your article from your newspaper project, please make sure to email it to me soon.

Ms. Sackstein

preferably in or as a word doc.

Keep sending work

Only a few of you have taken the opportunity to show me what they have been working on. Don't hesitate to ask me to look at your work and give you feedback.

I have a student model if you are having difficulty. Just email me and let me know you need one.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

more work for the week

Those of you with Macs at home I encourage you to play around with GarageBand and iMovie during this week. You may even be able to finish your podcast at home this week.

Those of you without Macs, please take a look at some video tutorials so that you are familiar with the software when we get back to school. There are lots of videos all around the web that you can easily find using a search engine, here are some from

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Work for the week

Since we won't have classes this week, I encourage all of you to rewrite your pieces for the podcasts and for the broadcasts so when we return you can record and beging filming.

Also, you can go on and practice some of your writing skills.

You should also listen to some of's podcasts and do some research of your own.

Feel free to email me and/or post to blog about work that needs to be done. More news to follow.

School Closed Week of May 18th

School will be closed for the week of May 18th.

School will reopen on Tuesday, May 26th.

Friday, May 15, 2009

News story group broadcast

In your groups, select one of the news stories written in the newspaper.

  • Make sure your story topic is interesting, timely and fully thought out
  • You will need to rewrite your story into a script
  • You will shoot footage of your story with a lead in to the story you present
  • You will shoot interviews, background, and provide possible music
  • You will edit the footage so that there is a cohesive story at least 2 minutes but no longer than 4.

Standards that are used... will be forwarded soon.

Podcast assignment

Select one story from your group newspaper that you wrote.

Rewrite the story to make it ready for radio. Save a copy of the original and the new rewritten one to turn in with the original. The new script should be on top when you turn it in.

You will create a 2-5 minute podcast. (no less than 2 minutes, no more than 5 minutes)

You should consider getting interviews with other people.

Standards addressed will be provided shortly.

Eportfolio - the end has come

your log in information is your first initial and last name
password is your student id #

for example - student john smith is jsmith

I've uploaded all of what you need to show proficiency in as many of your other teachers have...

go have a look so that if you have questions, you can ask me in class.


Podcasts are due Friday, May 22 after Mr. Lai's class.

In class today we are working on rewriting one of your pieces for the podcast. You will need to hand in your rewritten copy with the audio file.

I also want the first print piece attached. So over the weekend, continue to work on this assignment.

In your groups, you may want to start planning out the stories you want to do for your newscast for broadcast as well.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Writing for radio -

here are some tips we will be talking about in class tomorrow as you draft your topics...

Writing for Podcasts

Please make sure to bring your articles to class tomorrow from the newspaper project...

give some thought as to which piece you'd like to use for your podcast.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Writing for radio

On my way into work this morning I was listening to NPR (National Public Radio) as I always do and I was trying to be very cognizant of what made it compelling to listen to as oppose to reading it or watching it.

They told a feature story on Polio survivors that was moving and interesting... I'd like you to listen to the podcast on it and see if you notice what they do different in radio casting than written or visual.

when you get a chance, take a glance at the rest of the site too:

Thursday, May 7, 2009


Good luck on your AP exam if you are taking it...

If you plan on leaving school after the test, please be aware that your projects are still due, so make sure someone in your group turns it in or it will be late.



Next Friday will be Midterm. Please make up any missing work before then.
You will be doing in class, self-assessments on Tuesday.

History of Media technologies

All year we have been working on journalism and how we consume news and/or present it to the world. As we move away from print mediums and move into mass media that involve more than just reading, I want us to consider the advances and how we have changed because of the many ways we are now able to get our news...

I want each of you in your groups to visit the following website: - this is a visual timeline of advances made through the 1950s... select 3 of the inventions and discuss how they have changed history. comment on this post.

then go to:,-Radio,-and-Television&id=15556

Read the article about the history of media and then comment on what you think has made the greatest impact. How have these advances changed the way we get and consume news? How have our expectations changed?

If you can't finish this assignment in class, please finish it for Monday.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Newspaper project - Due Friday at the beginning of class.

I understand that a lot of you feel that there hasn't been enough time to complete the project, but you had more than a month to do it in class...

I will not extend the deadline on this assignment. You have known about the deadlines since day 1 and if time wasn't used adequately, then the lesson needs to be learned for the future.

There are not many days left in the school year and there is much that still needs to be done... we cannot stay in this place for any longer.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Reflection suggestions

As per our conversation in class today, your reflection should include:

  • an honest look at how well you did this assignment
  • using the rubric which standards do you feel you are showing proficiency in and how specifically?
  • What do you perceive are your strengths?
  • What did you learn?
  • What do you still have to work on?
  • What the challenges did you face in your group?
  • What did you learn about yourself as a learner/group member? (i.e. did you take over when other people didn't appear to be earning their keep? how long did it take before you took over?)
  • How did you contribute to the overall group and newspaper?
  • How was your time management? Where did you do your work? How did you use your class time?

Monday, May 4, 2009

Tomorrow's class

Please come to class with all of your writing for the project tomorrow...

We will be doing conferencing and going over the rubric. Be ready and prepared...

Pictoral history of media

Newspaper projects

Your projects are due on Friday. You will be graded on the strength of your articles, completion of articles, and your ability to maintain journalistic style.

You will get a group grade (teamwork)and an individual grade.

Each group should plan on conferencing with me or Ms. Cea on Tuesday in class, to show what has already been done. You must be able to produce product and not JUST talk about it.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Literary Magazine

If you have pieces that you have written this year - prose, essays, poems and/or art work you'd like to submit to the literary magazine - please turn it into Ms. Destefano in room 359 ASAP.
