Saturday, May 23, 2009


Has anyone tried to start uploading stuff onto eportfolio?

Please comment here... any problems? difficulties? easy? useful? I'd like your feedback.


donna said...

I've been putting up some stuff, the only problem is that I cant add my feature article, it still says, 'No entry found'

Anonymous said...

I haven't started uploading my journalism work to e-portfolio yet, but it find it easy and a good way to store all our work. The only thing I don't like about it is it takes a while to upload and reflect and everything else it asks for.

maggie todaro said...

When my computer crashed I lost all the news artices and everything else I did from the beginning of the year up until March. So, it's impossible for me to add those things.

maggie todaro said...

I finished everything on eportfolio finally!