Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Midterm reflections

I was contemplating how I wanted to do this since the 6 week mark has already passed for the second trimester...

Here is what I decided:

I'd like each of you to email me the answer to the following questions:

  1. How do you honestly feel you are doing in the class specifically using evidence from your work to support your thoughts? (Reference specific assignments and/or activities to show your understanding of specific skills and/or standards)
  2. What are you doing to contribute to the classroom community? (again be specific - you help your classmates or you are always prepared, etc)
  3. What do you need to continue working on? Be specific -
  4. How can I help you work on your perceived weaknesses on your standards?
  5. What have you learned so far this year? Be specific...
  6. What have you improved? (be specific)
  7. What are some goals you have for this class by the end of this trimester? the end of the year?
  8. Have you made an attempt to come for extra help if needed?
  9. Do you check the blog every day? how often?
  10. What do you use the blog for? is it useful? explain

Email your answers to me at msackstein@yahoo.com - put midterm reflection as your subject

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